The Font

The font, thought to be 18th century, is unusual with a small plain bowl on a slim single column, with an acorn design top. At a baptism the acorn is a symbol of life, fertility and immortality. The ancient saying “From little acorns grow mighty oaks” is symbolic of strength, endurance, virtue, longevity, and spirituality. So the meaning of the acorn is a wish for a good and long life.
Within the village a cast iron acorn finial can be seen at the former National School and Schoolhouse opposite St Michael’s. While this also reflects young life leading to greater things, iron acorn finials, cast by the Tredegar foundry are found at various sites associated with the Tredegar estate. Four can be seen at the main entrance to Machen House and they also feature at the entrance to St John the Baptist in Machen 1.5 miles away